Category Archives: Case Studies

John Pipe Design a Cable Drum

design a cable drum

Established in 1961 and employing 40 people, with an annual turnover exceeding £5m, John Pipe International has been partnering with manufacturers and exporters of goods in the south west and beyond for over 60 years. While the majority of our customers are based near our two branches in Dorset & Hampshire, our reach does extend to all of the UK and even abroad. As Export Packers and Freight Forwarders, we have packed and shipped any product you could imagine. From tiny screws for airplanes, to huge cheese making machines for the dairy industry. You name it, we have probably packed and shipped it.

We manufacture bespoke wooden and cardboard boxes for our customer’s goods, secure the items within these boxes and arrange the onward shipping. Of course, some of the products we support our customers with, take planning, packaging design work and additional lifting resources, such as cranes and, as you might expect, careful routing. So far the largest wooden box we have made is 12 x 4 x 4 metres. The heaviest item we have shipped?… 40 tonnes.

It is not unusual for JPI to be asked to design bespoke packaging for a particular item or kit of parts, conforming to a set of criteria set by the end user. At JPI we excel at this, having designed and packaged items from any industry you care to mention. And not every packaging design is a box…

The Challenge

Design a Cable Drum that meets the following requirements:

  • Capable of holding 95m of cable (100 Kg approx.)
  • Completed solution needs to be weatherproof.
  • Sheathed to protect cables while cable drum is rolled from one point to another.
  • Sheathing to be removable without the use of tools.
  • Capable of winding a cable onto the drum, without the requirement for additional equipment.
  • Possible to move from one point to another, without use of mechanical aids.
design a cable drum

Our drum survived the testing, confirming that we had designed a solution that could bear the required weight of cables that it would be used for.

The Solution

Using strong plywood and timber pieces, we have created an incredibly strong storage solution. At a testing event, we loaded twice the amount of cable onto our drum and repeatedly rolled it up and down high kerbs and over uneven ground to replicate the harsh handling it would receive.

Our drum survived the testing, confirming that we had designed a solution that could bear the required weight of cables that it would be used for.

To make the drum weatherproof, every part of our solution is painted or greased to protect it.

A shroud made of slats of timber, joined together with webbing that can be secured around the flanges of the drum and secured by hand tightening a wing nut provides the required outer protection without the need for tools.

By creating a drum within two wider outer flanges (effectively a drum within a drum), we made it possible for a cable to be wound on by spinning the inner drum, while the outer flanges were stationary. The wider outer flanges make it possible for the cable drum to be rolled around, enabling the drum to be moved from place to place without the need for mechanical aids.

Rotating around a specially created spindle with bearings, the weight of the cable was not an issue, and one person could easily spin the inner drum to wind the cable on or off the drum.

The Benefit

Our customer is looking for a practical solution to overcome the difficulties they had experienced in the past. This relatively low-cost solution matched their requirements perfectly. Furthermore, as the solution is made from wood it is noted that empty drums are easily recycled when no longer required.

John Pipe Design a Cable Drum

A shroud made of slats of timber, joined together with webbing that can be secured around the flanges of the drum and secured by hand tightening a wing nut provides the required outer protection without the need for tools.

John Pipe Design a Cable Drum

The wider outer flanges make it possible for the cable drum to be rolled around, enabling the drum to be moved from place to place without the need for mechanical aids.

Our Services:
How we can help...

For sixty years, John Pipe International have been a diligent provider of export services. Based in the South of England, we are fully equipped to handle your export packing and freight needs. Whether you’re shipping overseas or packing dangerous items, our team are on hand to assist with the logistics of your project. With our MPAS certification, we are happy to assist with military and defence exports.

Management team

It takes a dedicated team to manage global logistics. The John Pipe International management team have years of experience and background knowledge. Find out more about the people who will manage your export project.

Nathan Kennedy

Nathan Kennedy
Managing Director

Nathan was approved by the MoD as a Military packaging designer in 2012, after qualifying as a Military packaging professional. Coupled with his Dangerous Goods in Transit qualification, Nathan can apply this knowledge and experience to ensure any goods are packed in tried and tested containers.

John Pipe Design a Cable Drum

Jon Felton

Jon is the Works Director at the Hampshire branch. He has been a logistics professional for over 25 years and has held management positions in the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) industry. This has allowed him to build strong customer relationships and offer a comprehensive service package for packing and shipping to our clients.

Tide Waits For No Man: Packing a Giant Machine Against the Clock

Packing a Giant Machine

Tide Waits For No Man:
Packing a Giant Machine Against the Clock

John Pipe have partnerships right across the country, so distance wasn’t an issue when we were requested to support an existing client with a project further afield – packing a very large machine over a very short period of time. This was a highly sensitive, advanced piece of automated packaging machinery capable of making fully recyclable cardboard containers at an impressive rate of 216 units a minute. The machine and its various stations were able to fold, glue, and position a foil bladder within a screw-capped cardboard bottle capable of containing liquids like oils through to spirits.

Here’s the story of how John Pipe were able to take on the challenge.

Packing Under Pressure

All of this equipment had to be specially hermetically sealed, as it was going by sea freight to Canada. It’s imperative that moisture would not affect the electronics within the cabinets. The only real way of doing this is to foil-bag them and charge them with a sufficiently strong amount of desiccant so that the inner atmosphere is controlled and keeps things dry.

Part of the machinery being packed was the gluing machinery. This is typically the sort of stuff that was in size and would fit into a shipping container. At this time, the skies are looking good, but this is early on in the project so the team had to crack on. And while the John Pipe team were getting on with this, the customer’s engineering team were finishing off the main machine on another part of the estate.

Jon Bradley

Interested in hearing project lead Jon Bradley’s take on the story? Listen to the audio below.

Juggling Logistics

These cases of equipment are all support items, conveyors, little control cabinets, etc. These were loaded into the container before the team started on packing the main piece of machinery. During this time, Jon had to control three lots of different contractors. It was important that Jon had worked with the contractors before so they weren’t strangers, which helped as everyone knew exactly what needed to be done.

The largest and heaviest case was loaded last on day two to make it easy for the other side to pull out.

Tide Waits For No Man: Packing a Giant Machine Against the Clock

Here you can see the sort of equipment and cases being packed and loaded into the container.

Tide Waits For No Man: Packing a Giant Machine Against the Clock

Here’s the ancillary equipment packed and loaded in the container.

The Calm Before the Storm

This is the the eve of Storm Kieren coming in. While it looks pretty tranquil and lovely on the beach, don’t be deceived. The next day, the full force of the storm came at the team. Now working on a different estate, just five miles up the road from the other equipment, the team were now working in a very small unit. With parts of the machine being pulled out, the team had to quickly land them, support them on bases, foil seal them, and add desiccant charges within the machine to ensure that no moisture would get in and affect the efficiency of the machine or cause any other issues with the electronics.

Battling the Elements

The clouds are coming in and it’s getting windy, but here it is, foil-sealed. Shortly after, the sides and ends of the lid were quickly added, then covered completely in a tarpaulin. This is the standard method for out-of-gauge packing for stuff that sits on the top of the decks of ships since it frequently gets covered in seawater. This method protects it for its journey right through to the end client.

Tide Waits For No Man: Packing a Giant Machine Against the Clock

Foil Sealed

Overcoming Obstacles

This is big machinery, at over 7.3 metres long, 2.34 metres wide and 2.55 metres high. And this is just one-half of the overall machine. The weather’s really starting to come in now, so it’s getting foil-bagged as fast as possible. The desiccant charge is added. Everything within the machine is tied down so it doesn’t move, then the air is extracted and the packing is welded shut. Now all the desiccant charge has to do is control the atmosphere with its restricted amount of air for the duration of the shipment.

The wind then really starts to blow as the last piece of machine is prepared. The team go through the same process of getting it out of the building, quickly landing it on the base with the subcontractor guys and their heavy fork trucks, then getting it back inside before the weather got into it too much. Then they dried the machine, wiped it all down, got it ready to put the foil bag over it before once again starting to pack it.

What’s more, time is now running short. This is the end of day four and the next morning all the trucks are turning up to take the kit to be shipped. Everything is being thrown at the team all at once as the final day draws near.

Tide Waits For No Man: Packing a Giant Machine Against the Clock

Over 7.3 metres long, 2.34 metres wide and 2.55 metres high.

Tide Waits For No Man: Packing a Giant Machine Against the Clock

Everything is being thrown at the team all at once as the final day draws near.

The Final Steps

This 7,000kg machine is almost touching the roof of the building, but thankfully it is mounted on skates which allows us to pull clear of the building and further push back into the building as the weather persists.

The transport lorry turns up early so the machine is loaded and sent away.

Finally the team reach the final day of loading. The storm is easing, it’s dry, but the wind persists. The large forklifts are able to pull everything from the building and load into waiting transport. It’s now off to Southampton Docks to be positioned and secured to flat racks before making its arduous trip aboard ship to Canada.

Project Summary

The team had to complete a seven-day job within 4 working days with just three men. Despite many obstacles and setbacks, John Pipe managed to achieve this against all the elements. The shipment was in time and loaded to the vessel on time, and can now report its successful installation with Canada.

Tide Waits For No Man: Packing a Giant Machine Against the Clock

The transport lorry turns up early so the machine is loaded and sent away.

Tide Waits For No Man: Packing a Giant Machine Against the Clock

secured to flat racks before making its arduous trip aboard ship to Canada.

Packing a Giant Machine

Machinery capable of making fully recyclable cardboard containers

Our Services:
How we can help...

For sixty years, John Pipe International have been a diligent provider of export services. Based in the South of England, we are fully equipped to handle your export packing and freight needs. Whether you’re shipping overseas or packing dangerous items, our team are on hand to assist with the logistics of your project. With our MPAS certification, we are happy to assist with military and defence exports.

Management team

It takes a dedicated team to manage global logistics. The John Pipe International management team have years of experience and background knowledge. Find out more about the people who will manage your export project.

Nathan Kennedy

Nathan Kennedy
Managing Director

Nathan was approved by the MoD as a Military packaging designer in 2012, after qualifying as a Military packaging professional. Coupled with his Dangerous Goods in Transit qualification, Nathan can apply this knowledge and experience to ensure any goods are packed in tried and tested containers.

Tide Waits For No Man: Packing a Giant Machine Against the Clock

Jon Felton

Jon is the Works Director at the Hampshire branch. He has been a logistics professional for over 25 years and has held management positions in the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) industry. This has allowed him to build strong customer relationships and offer a comprehensive service package for packing and shipping to our clients.

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